Having problems burning a DVD from an .AVI file I've got. I suspected the transcoding abilities of Nero so I tried to help out by running it through TMPG first and producing an .MPG file. I thought Nero would accept this straight away and get stuck into burning. I thought .MPG was the format that DVD files used. But no. Nero is transcoding this .MPG just as it transcoded the original .AVI. It has been at it now for an hour and a half. What format are DVD's looking for? How can we best prepare a file for burning as a DVD? regards, ab
here ya go...... this program is fast and easy...... ConvertXToDVD: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ the free version is just to try out.... it leaves a watermark logo on the output. but you'll get the idea....... for a little money the logo goes away and it's great to have! I bought all of VSO's software! They are great to have!
Thanks a head, IHO, that's exactly what was needed. I've now got a dvd burned beaut, working beaut. I'd still like to know what format DVD files are in, though. Why does Nero spend all that time transcoding? I've had Pinnacle and don't use it any more, don't remember why. Must have been something wasn't right. I'll have to buy this convertxtodvd thing. It's good. regards, ab
Hi there, http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/7766.cfm Get 20% off if you wish to purchase it ! (See link above)
Well I bought it and used it and liked it and had success with it. But I also had a failure with it - talking about that in another thread, probably bad media. I'm happy with the software, I think it'll be pretty useful. BUT... I'd still like to know: what encoding can we do to prepare a file for burning as dvd? What encoding can we do to prepare a file so's Nero will just accept it without lengthy transcoding? I realise Nero will have to do something to make it a VOB - but half an hour, an hour, transcoding? With Nero's transcoding which some experts in forums such as this suggest to me is not too good. If anyone knows I'd like to know. regards, ab
there is no real speed programs for avi that file is large it must be converted encodeded and so on you can do some converts yourself but if you add your time to the burn time its just as long why are you hung up on avi files
I think I am right in saying there are three basic steps in creating a DVD from an AVI/DivX/Xvid etc. 1)Transcoding 2)Authoring 3)Burning Both Nero Vision and ConvertXtoDVD will do all of the above in one go. However, I have found that this does not always yield the best results. I used Nero Vision for quite a while to create all my DVD's from start to finish (and still do) but as you say it's transcoding engine is not the best. I am now starting to experiment with as many programs as I can to see what yields the best results and will eventually post my findings on AD. At present I am playing about with TMPG Express. It leaves NeroVision standing for quality, but it is much slower. Like yourself I thought I could just burn the .mpg file straight to DVD but you can't. I think this is where the AUTHORING comes in. I believe TMPG have a DVD Authoring program but I am yet to use it. What I have used instead is Nero Vision with SMART ENCODING turned on. This basically leaves the .mpg alone if it does not need to be transcoded, however the file I ran through it today was changed a little by NeroVision (not sure why or how), but it only took about half hour to do what it had to do and then burn it to DVD. You can obviously put chapters and menus in aswell with NV. Not sure why NV took an hour and a half to AUTHOR and BURN your file, it really shouldn't have to do a lot. If you have Nero Vision 4 make sure SMART ENCODING is turned ON in the VIDEO OPTIONS. Although I must warn you I am worried that Nero Vision may be 'undoing' the good work that TMPG Express has done so I am going to give TMPG's Authoring program a try. Hope this helps
Thanks rbrock and goddolah, both, for your replies. I'm not really hung up on .avi files. They are not my future, they are more my past, perhaps. I've got a swag of them I collected whilst in china. I'd like to burn them. And my canon a520 produces .avi files - so maybe they are my future after all. But what I'm blundering about trying to say is: I just want to know. I like to know. Especially when it seems I've got it wrong. That bring me to goddolah's post. Yes, it helps. You're into the same thing I am and I will be interested in any further news you'd like to post of what you find out. Yes, it's Vision 4 I've got. I've never thought about that smart transcoding, thanks for that, I'll look for it and use it. regards, ab