I just bought verbatim cd r's and they are coding as cmc magnetics. Wy the hell are good brand coming up as shit. Here is the scan of a disc I made and it looks like shiut.
What Ya mean? All I burned was a copy of windows I just doctored up with the latest hot fixes and unattneded install. Why? But still it pisses me off. I thought verbatim was good. Guess not anymore.
Nah its not mp3's or nothing. I run a small comp shop and I have the comp figured good. One drive for the os and run for storage, The burner is on a sperate cable all by itself. Img burn running on the os driving burning the iso from the storage drive. Which seems to be the fastest method. I dunno. Guess verbatim is outsourcing to cmc mag. It sucks I bought them for no other than the reason verbatim on the cake.