what happened to me

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by lovepiece, Jan 4, 2007.

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  1. lovepiece

    lovepiece Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    something has happened to me im sorry everyone for everything i have posted anyway. last nite i woke up and my bro was on the comp and my account name reaper11 automatically signed in he said alot of mean stuff about halo 2 which not only got my after dawn account banned but my halo 2 account banned he said this:

    i love bridging myself host so i can mod someone sent me a message his account for halo 2 is xmaster92 hes great im going to mod him up so who cares i have so many two months its not even funny so bye suckers hehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheheh later oh and for the people who do need help my account name is bungiessucks102 chow. oh by the way its the best even if you guys say that im a dumbass im still going to cheat now more than ever nowing that people get mad over it becuase thats what i love bitches my account name is bungiesucks102 ahhahahhahahhahahhahah bye

    now im sorry about that anyways he does know how to bridge but his account really isnt bungiesucks102 and my friend xmaster92 didnt really tell him that he just wanted to see if he could get him banned and he tried to tell you my account but my account name is Reaper 1192 and now im banned in both my accounts well im not expecting you guys to unbann cause you might not believe me but i still want to say that im really sorry. well have a happy new year and hope to talk to eveyone and to enjoy the site thanks bye. ps i dont care if you dont believe me but i just wanted to say im sorry expecially to these people: xxteakxx, PAN5Y, DeadRain, janrocks, and Jannejt
  2. knockemv2

    knockemv2 Regular member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    <font size=+2>Larger</font> me
  3. DeadRain

    DeadRain Regular member

    Nov 21, 2006
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