What is Dsemu for...also can i play new super mario verus mode if i have m3lite with p3 and the other person have the actual cartride?
What is DSemu? And yes mario should work if you have a rom and the other has the cartridge - it is only download play that will not work (when the other ds does not have the game)
so lets say...i have new mario bro on rom and my girl has it on rom also..we can't play verus mode?? is that what your saying?
If your using download play it won't work, but if both games have a multicart option that you use it will work - i do not know wether mario has multicart or not.
When playing multiplayer there are two ways it can be done: 1: Download Play 2: Multicart Play Download play requires only one person to own the game, the secind player downloads the game to their DS using the Download play option. This does not work if the person sending the game is using a ROM as the ROM will be misisng vital information (RSA signitures) Multicart Play is if both players have the game (ROMs, Real, or one of each) and is usually better as the second DS does not need to download the files before playing them, also as both DS's have the game running RSA sintures are not checked, and therefore is compatible with ROMs
Thanks for clearing that up pakixd My DS is currently 45 miles away so I couldn't check, currently flashing my PSP with the latest hacks to stop me getting bored ¬_¬ Nice supercard site you got going there - if you ever decide to expand to the M3/G6 let me know :-D
thanks mr_hanky I was gonna contact you about that eventually lol.. i do plan on having M3 stuff on it (maybe have its own domain) and also have one for EZ4 if venom is willing to help out or i can find enough info about it