i have never played any final fantasy's. what are they? i tried to find out but i can't find any info. i got a tiny bit of info that it's rpg but when i had a look at a game for pc (11) it says online. i take it that is a mmorpg then? can someone please tell me what 1-13 are and what they have to offer. if they're like zelda ocarina of time for n64 i'd love to play it. if it's like archlord, i can't be bothered.
check wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_fantasy and check all the final fantasy link there. There are also some pictures so you will have an idea about the game. i was able to play the first eight games only. ff1 - ff6 in an emulator and ff7 and ff8 in pc version of the game so im not sure about ff9 - ff13. but if you like zelda ocarina of time i think you will also like this game especially the newer ones
i can't find any info on this game. the only gameplay video i could find looks rubbish. i can't be bothered with this game. this game can't even be in the same league as zelda. if it was it would be really easy to get info and considering they made 13 and can't get any info is just lame. even the wikis don't help they just tell you the plot not what you do. i'm wasting my time.
Are you quite serious? Go out and play a game. They mostly stick to the "explore, fight, and level up" formula that is so familiar to RPGs. I mean, if you have no idea what FF is...lift up that rock you've been living under and go play a game. They are not hard to find and you do not have to spend $60. They are not exctly my cup of tea personally, but go read a review if you are too lazy to play it.
thanks but you don't get it. there is no info. i searched for reviews, videos, the works. there is nothing besides useless story info. if i searched for say gta or unreal or even the really old monkey island game, i could get info in a flash. it appears people are too bored to bother with info on it. what would be the point in buying a game you have no idea about? if you don't like it you're wasting your cash. the last pc version is a mmorpg like archlord which is rubbish. the rest i have no idea. and FANTASY just doesn't cover it. if you fantasies fast cars and killing. is that what you gonna get? no. be specific. i'm basically looking for info. so far no-one has given it. what does that say? too lazy too play?!? now that's just stupid