Please help me out. All my audio files are in mp3 but I need to convert them to wav files to play in my car.
just do a google search for free mp3 to wav convertor... plus it would be easier to just create an audio cd from the mp3 files...
come again andmerr.... anyway i have lost the original file to edit it so it will take twice as much work to edit frame by frame, but once you explain what you mean i can try it out and see how it looks
it looks really great but you see the flying image floating around, looks like a saber.Thought a touch of red or green would liven it up a bit more rathere than an all black setting
i shall see what i can do, probably will stick with the whole dark colour scheme cause it more suits the name [bold]Phantom[/bold]
ye that is what i aimed for, using effects from standard fireworks, it would have been a lot of work if i used any other program...