What is the best Server software? I want to share files from my desktop to my laptop wirelessly. What software would be the easiest for this or do I need another OS?
Im a little confused, Im really bad at networking and server stuff. Is there a program that comes with windows xp? the file sharing folders dont seem to be working right.
You can use Windows Server 2003 (like XP) or Server 2008 (like Vista), but you don't really need any of that. All you need to do to share files is use windows file sharing, contained in all versions (I think) of standard windows. If you're the only one ever accessing the files, it's even easier as you don't need to set up shares. Map a network drive (In the tools menu in windows explorer) - choose a letter, then send the path to \\PCNAME\c$ where PCNAME is the network name of the PC with the files on it. Enter your password for that PC to continue, and you have access to all your files (this is an admin share. For limited shares that other people can use you need the windows file sharing wizard)