While recording video at higher bitrates will obviously improve the picture, is there a point at which when converting from VHS there is no point in going past? For example, if I record it at 112 kbps, will 192 sound better, or is there no point due to the analog nature of the sound? Also, what audio sample rate/bitrate should I capture it at? I can do 44100/4800 and 128000, 160000, 192000 and 224000. I'm capturing from Hi-Fi NTSC tapes. Thanks!
Analog audio, especially from a HiFi deck can be very good quality, and can easily sound better than 192 kbps mp3. It really depends on what your material is and it's relative importance to you.
You didn't really what you're doing with the captures. There may be considerations. For example, If you're doing DVD, try capturing @ 48 kHz sample rate since that's the DVD spec. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD-Video#Audio_data
Yeah, I do plan on burning it to DVD once I'm done. That page should be helpful, I'll look it over. Thanks!