I saw a program on xbins that said it could convert a .EXE to a .DBE (Xbox execution file). I thought that when I mod my xbox it adds linux onto it. My ultimate question is "What kind of programs can I use on my xbox?" Can I really convert linux/windows programs into something usable on my xbox?
what do you mean DBE.. no such thing.. xbox excutables are xbe files.. and the cxbx emulator can do it.. but it's not a case of loading an exe and clicking a button.. you have to recode it all for the custom xbox architecture and instruction set. Not for n00bs.. in fact skilled coders have big difficulties.. lots of apps.. and specific linux for the xbox.. one of mine runs plain and simple debian woody.. not xebian. .. with only 64 ram.. it's a waste of time really.. a very old slow and even for the days low end pc.
Does the Dashboard have a terminal for basic linux commands? I am looking to do dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvd.iso on the xbox. I do not need a whole linux distribution. That is what my computer is for. I would love to be able to do a Disk Dump. FTPing takes so long. I wish to put things directly onto the xbox. Especially since my laptop is being repaired right now.
no.. not a hope... use dvd2xbox ..better still read the modding guides and stickies. the disk executables have media checks in them.. while if you were running linux you "could" dump the contents of a dvd that way.. you would only get layer 0 and if you modified the command to dump both layers you will still end up with unusable junk.. dde or not an xbox disk. as for coding homebrew for the xbox.. you are talking to an xbox apps writer from years gone by.. everything has been done with this console.. don't waste your time reinventing the wheel.. spend it on something worthwhile... how about a browser.. fully css enabled.. that runs in 10mb's ram or less XD
Thank you. I was only wanting to be able to make backups of my playstation games which the Dvd2xbox does not support. I have be do the Disk Dump on my mac to make them and transferring them over. I was just curious if I could save time not transfering them through FTP and puting them directly onto xbox. On the other hand I have just found out that I might be able to use DVD2Xbox on my media dvds. XBMC (might be spelled wrong) Has the option to stack media and play them as one. VOB power UNITE!!! Thanks for the help.