And a reply from the Coder as below Actually, its not really like that at all ! No encryption has ever actually been broken. N1 is still as mathematically secure as it was on the day it was first wheeled out. Mathematically N3 isn't really that much different to N2 which is only slightly different to N1. The key sizes have changes a little bit and parts of the actual algorithm used have changed but its really cosmetic. The ONLY reason N1 was broken was that NDS completely reverse engineered the card in their labs in Israel and then "leaked" information to a certain hacker who then used this to find the good old "Nipper" backdoor. No encryption was ever broken. Its simply that the card has coding bugs which allows things that it shouldn't. N2 was only really cracked because Kudelski was lazy and re-used codes/techniques that they used in the N1 card. That plus the fact there was a lot of money thrown at the card to have it reverse engineered in an Eastern European lab ! N3 will probably be the same. Its all about money ! Reply With Quote
NDS and Christopher Tarnovsky got stung for R.E the Nagra cards. In a massive court case, so its highly unlikely they will risk it again.
tbh most of the programmes on the box are s*it and repeats,its only the sports i would miss when n3 hits the uk.but the upside is at least it will sway me to spend my subs with sly and not vir@@n better sports prospects with slysports with match choice and red button features,so there is life after n3 IT JUST COSTS MORE!
Great post e45.. This has cheered me up no end. I was really beginning to think the game was over! Now I'm thinking it's only just starting.
super bit of information but I feel Ireland will be left in the cold until the UK go to Nag 3 if they ever go that route. Financially I dont think it would be viable for stb manufacturers to pay for a fix for N3 just for the irish market based on the number of people with these boxes in ireland. Now maybe Im way off the mark but like everything in life it all boils down to money and can enough be made from getting something and selling it on in one form or another. I will of course keep optimistic but even if there is a fix eventually I think a lot of people have bought only in the last month or so and got no value out of there box in there eyes so they probably wont take another chance but who am I to know.
first off the uk are'nt going the n3 route, ireland isnt the only country using n3 now so of course there looking to hack it, maybe they'll use ireland as a testing ground for fixes
shaneh you are correct there about 'ireland isnt the only country using n3' i think spain has it nearly a year now and a few other eu cuontries
Im sure Ireland could be used but Im sure its been tested all over europe as long as its been out over there. I just dont think cos Ireland have gone Nag3 that a fix will miraculously appear, i hope im wrong. You only have to type in Nagravision in Wikipedia and it tells you which countries have Nag3.
Yes, Ireland's population is practically nonexistent in comparison to people affected by N3 in North America, Canada and Europe. In fact with N1 we always depended on the Uk to get our fixes(cydine patching the roms ect). Now that Virgin are going a different route altogether were extra screwed.
well the british always says that us irish are and do things backwards so when they go of line and get a fix we'll just reverse engineer it,lol
Instead of trying to make a box understand nag 3! Would it be posable to build a box that already understands it, Rather than a box trying to figure it out???????? (in layman's terms!)
Well done E45. Everyone that feels the need to make a smart comment to another should read your comments first. Lets all be nice to one another as we all need help at some stage. Thanks again.
to be quite honest gemineye7 id say you are on the right track there, they will probably come out with a new box when/if nag.3 is cracked it would be just good business sence for them not to do that to the manufactors no point in giving out a fix or code for free if its them that break or get it when they can sell more new boxes and make more money, in the end its all about €€,££,$$.
You hit the nail on the head hooter...... Even if thay came up with a fix for the boxs, why should thay release one?? thay dont make any cash on fixs, it makes more sence for them to release a new box, thats what makes the world go around for them...
well i for one would certainly pay for a fix, id never buy a starview again after the length of time it took to get a fix from april, but if kryptview released a fix i would pay for it, if they released a new box with a fix i wouldnt buy it off them though