please help me..... what should i used in converting this kind of format.... thanx for YOUr help......
depends what you want to convert it to m8 Mp4-DVD = ConvertXTODVD Mp4-All other formats, i use VLC MEdia Player
what?? you want me to come round your house and do it for you? download gspot, load the file and post what it says.. them just maybe somebody will bother to help you.. then again maybe not
yep, but its a bit harder than just "converting" it. You have to open the file you wish to convert with vlc, then click file>transcode/save to file, then it gives you a list of codecs for you to choose from, choose different codecs and different qualitys for different file sizes and results, i'd write you a tutorial if you want?
I use vlc on certain disney dvd's.. but there is another way you can use it to find out technical information about a file. Check under the View→Stream and Media Info tab when the file is playing. For a easy and free converter (which can handle just about everything) try IVC It takes a little getting used to. If you want a not that user friendly swiss army knife avidemux is the boy