Hello I couldn’t find a GBA section on the Forum so sorry if it’s on the wrong place The type of card I’m looking for shouldn’t require a slot 1 like GBA expansion pack for M3 DS Real I want it to be on its own so I can play it on GBA and GBA SP Thank you
????????? Since a GBA doesn't have a slot 1, only the equivalent of a NDS Slot 2, your choices are limited to NDS slot 2 cards that would fit in an NDS Phat. Supercard SD is the first one that comes to mind.
I used to have a supercard for my GBA and was less than thrilled with it. Any game over 8mb ran very slowly, sometimes at only half speed. Maybe a faster SD card would have helped, the fastest one I could get at the time was only class2 I believe, so if you got a class6 the games might run properly.
do you mean this one Supercard SD if so then does it run all the games 100% ? and what is the best card for GBA ? thank you
I had the miniSD version of that, but its basically the same otherwise. It did play all the games I tried, but like I said many of them ran very slowly.
If many of the games ran very slowly then it not the best one to buy I’m thinking of buying Acekard 2i for DSI so while reading about it i found this paragraph on this page "Can be used as a Passme to boot from slot-2 flash carts. Run GBA games by using expand cart The Acekard 2 can be used as a passkey, so you can boot your slot2 flash carts with it. AK2 also support 3in1 expansion cart. You can run gba games from MicroSD card directly. *You need insert MicroSD card with OSMenu to use Passme function. *Expansion cart sold separately. *There is no Slot2 in DSi" Which one of the 3in1 expansion cart that can be used with Acekard 2i?