I agree DSTTi - the kernal on the chip cannot be updated, the box has a warning saying that it may be made useless by a future DSi firmware update. R4i - already 2 of them with the same name, reputed to be working but not confirmed by any reliable source. With its past reputation - probably the worst choice!
definately i advise dstti got mine fro http://www.i'manidiot.com edited by ddp works very well, extremely happy free worldwide delivery too!
Hi does anyone have the Acekard 2.1? I'm planning to buy it from this website here and i was wondering about it's features and how they work? can anyone please advise me on this card? the list of features are on the link i posted..
Strange how the acekard website does not mention a 2.1...only a 2i. Mistake on your website maybe? If so, you only need the 2i if you are getting a dsi rather than a ds lite.
Acekard 2 i,I have one,It is perfect for my DIS,Support Soft-Reset. Support Download play. Support Wi-Fi.Enjoy!
does anyone know of any websites that sell a working Acekard 2i that they have bought from themselves? I want to buy one, but i hear that it is very easy to get ripped off.
R4 used to be good when they were actual R4 but now they are poo, i recommend the AK2i or the Supercard DSonei as they are both kernel updateable and therefore (at the moment) futureproof with the DSi, but this is always subject to change!