whats new in vista?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by rtginc, Mar 24, 2008.

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  1. rtginc

    rtginc Member

    Nov 23, 2007
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    1) The first thing that is new which you will notice in vista is the looks.

    2)It has got a whole new looks as compared to XP.

    3)If your video card supports the Aero Glass interface, you get translucent title bars,cool animations and lots of eye candy.

    4)There is a beautiful side bar with a good collection of gadgets as follows-

    * Calculator that performs basic math functions.
    * Analog clock (several designs to choose from).
    * CPU and memory meters that let you keep an eye on the amount of system resources in use.
    * Currency converter for quick international monetary calculations.
    * Feed viewer for tracking news, sports, and entertainment headlines via RSS.
    * Feed watcher for monitoring your selected RSS feeds.
    * Notepad for quickly jotting reminders or bits of info you need to keep.
    * Slide show applet that displays a continuous slide show of the photos in your Pictures folder.
    * Stocks ticker that lets you track trading prices and see charts for your selected stocks.
    * Countdown timer for alerting you when a specified interval has passed.
    * Number and picture puzzles.
    * Recycle bin.
    * Games.

    5)The next new thing that you will notice is the icons.It has a whole new collection of icons that looks great and increase its looks.

    6)The Start menu hasn't changed much. You can still pin your favourites to the top-left side, and the right side still contains commonly used items such as Documents, Pictures and Music, Computer, Network and Control Panel, Search, and Help. If you want to restart, switch users, or put the system to sleep, you'll need to click the small arrow by the Shut Down and Lock buttons.
  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Dude, I know you've been told to get that link out of your sig. Do you not understand the concept of a forum moderator, or the authority such a figure is granted on an internet community?

    Do we really need a thread like this?
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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