thanks but that just let me knowthat dvd-r sells more then dvd+r....but anyways i went to bestbuy and i just ask which is better he told me to take verbatim dvd-r.....but i for got to ask him why is that reason......can you tell me which is better....or for myself which is better that use it for burning video files
Tried both but most DVD players support DVD-R format. unless you get a player that supports both. Remember this is only the media, your burner is also the other half. DVD+R was suppose to be the newer format to replace DVD-R but it really didn't happen. Check out for more info.
Dvd-r is the older of the two formats and therefor will play on more older set top dvd players but if your dvdrw drive is capable, dvd+r's can be booktyped dvd-rom (same as store bought pressed dvd's) and then become as compatable if not more so than dvd-r's with older set top players. Newer set top players will usually play both formats equilly. Tell me the make and model of your dvdrw drive and I can tell whether or not it is capable of bitsetting/booktyping. Dvd+r is the more advanced format of the two. Personally I only use dvd+r's booktyped dvd-rom. Here is a good read Dvd quality is as important (if not more so) as the format. Recommended brands of dvd's are Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, Maxell MIJ = made in japan, Ritek, Sony MIJ, and Fuji Mij.