I need a program thats good for editing avi's or vob's without any video quality loss, i've been using sony vegas 7 & adobe premiere but they seem a bit confusing, windows movie maker is poo in my opinion but at least its very esy to make a movie with. But not enough options & ihate having to encode in WMV. Thanks in advance. Also if there's any programs which you can edit the 5.1 tracks like edit sound effects into each tracks that would be great.
videoredo plus and womble mpeg video wizard both can edit vob's and are frame accurate and don't reencode the output when you save it. (no reencode equals zero quality loss). I prefer videoredo it has a larger viewscreen and I've used to edit an actual 2 hour DVD movie removing scenes I didn't like. The finished product look as good as the original minus the edited scenes. Womble video wizard is a good editer also and has all the bell and whistles like multiple audio streams, transitions etc. I mainly use it to join clips together.
Womble is fantastic, don't know about the other program though, but i am having trouble importing vob's into womble, they come out only half-sized, e.g I imported a vob 1 hour & 43 mins, it came out 46 mins?!?!?!?!? Why is it not importing the complete vob.