Hi, ive been trying to find a SIMPLE SMALL tool to take a screen shot of a movie trailer and i can't seem to find one. NOT VIDEO(like camstudio). I have tried vlc player and nero 7(nero is my main editing soft.) but the quality they give is horrible. I asked this guy what he uses and he said intervideo windvd. I've looked it up and it seems like a very HEAVY LARGE program...i cant have that. Is there any SMALL app that will allow me to take HIGH RESOLUTION screenshots of trailers in there NATIVE SIZE(instead of resizing like nero). Thanks very much to those who help.
thanks moderator guy; hey szarlej can you pleez post a screenshot of what media player can do, so that i can compare the quality? thanks for your help
no my little computer has WAY to much stuff already..i only have 256RAm and little CPU and it's very shaky..so i font want to download/instal more than i dont need to
you want JUST PICTURE screen shots, use the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard (Top right corner) then go to paint and Ctrl + V to paste it and save it as a jpeg, there is your screen shot
right but...i was just wondering if there was small software that could do it at THIS quality http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2282/2101317620_e270fe4be8.jpg i just would like to know
I use a program called Snag-It. I use it for video capture/screen shots. Dunno how harsh it is on resources though.
You can try MWSnap: http://www.snapfiles.com/get/mwsnap.html The quality depends on what compression level you choose which depends on the format. That might be a BMP file.
use screenhunter it's free. All you need to do is press the f6 key and you get the crosshairs to put around your video player screen. The quality is very good, about as good as you jpeg on your link. http://www.wisdom-soft.com/products/screenhunter_free.htm
screenhunter isn't bad...for those wondering what it's capable of here's a screenshot 24-bit bmp thanks jony218
I like snagit too. But not sure if it possible to record the video with HIGH RESOLUTION. You'd better have a free trial before buy. Hope it helps.