What's the best VOB file video editor?

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by m12327, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. m12327

    m12327 Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    My video camera records onto a mini-dvd. Whenever I import the video I captured, it's in .vob file format (which only makes sense). I'm looking for a .vob video editor that's comparable to the currently available .avi video editors (like Windows Movie Maker, or Sony Vegas).

    Could someone give a list of .vob video editors? Or better yet, could someone give me the name of the BEST .vob video editor?

    Thanks a lot,
  2. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    there are 2 very good vob editors, one is videredotvsuite this is the fastest with a very nice large preview screen and easy to use timeline. It also edits without reencoding (no lost of quality). This is a pure editor it doesn't do transitions/second audio tracks etc.

    Another good one is womble mpeg video wizard dvd 4.0. This is a more full featured editor. It also does titles/transitions/second audio tracks and you can throw different type videos into the timeline. Example you can edit your vob's and throw in a avi or mp4 video into the timeline that will be on the final video. This one will also edit vob's without reencoding.


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