what's the difference between OEM and Retail burners?

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by cletus141, May 10, 2006.

  1. cletus141

    cletus141 Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    while looking at BenQ DVD burners online at Newegg, I saw a 1655 for 2 different prices, one beig OEM, and the other being Retail. WHat's the difference?

  2. teflonmyk

    teflonmyk Regular member

    May 24, 2005
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    Usually firmware, software bundle, packaging, and/or logos...

    EDIT: Oh, I forgot faceplates...
    Last edited: May 11, 2006
  3. cletus141

    cletus141 Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    so, if they are very close in price, which should I go for? specifically, the BENQ 1655 at newegg is like $4 difference. I'm still debating between the 1640, 1650, and 1655

    thanks again,
  4. OKIE

    OKIE Regular member

    Nov 22, 2004
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    cletus i as on the phone yesterday for quite awhile with creative the peaple who make the soundblaster products,i bought a oem soundcard from new egg but when it came to upgrade my drivers it wouldnt happen i couldnt download the upgrade from there website because it was[ oem]ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTER. They told me i would have to gp back to where i bought it and find out what co.put it out to get the lastest drivers,even thow it was a creativ labs product.back on the phone to newegg trying to find my org:reciet,and deal with more bull---- ifinaly mailed it back to creative to fix or just throw it away ill never buy oem again just to save 4 bucks.good luck.
  5. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    For newegg.com OEM drives:

    Usually they come with drive only.No original box/no 40 pin-80 wire ribbon/no software/and no sound cable.No extras!

    I bought my Benq 1640 from there,oem. Still had actual benq fw and came in a plain brown box only. One hell of a burner.I already had my software and new round cables.

    I looked at the 2 benq 1655s there the other day.Looks like one comes with nero suite-red disc,and the other also had nero software,but in a purple disc..

    The nero oem software will come in handy,preferably the one that comes with Nero would be the drive with the red nero disc.
    It'll have nero recode2/nero burning rom/express/express labeler-for you lightscribing/and some other programs. Well worth the extra $4 if you don't have the software.

    When newegg.com lists a drive,it'll have pictures of whatever else that comes with them. Software/cables/even blank discs.

    1640/1650/or 1655?

    All depends if you want the lightscribe feature or not. That 1650 goes for $40 including shipping.The 1640 is a fabulous drive,but very hard to find. The 1655 is another great drive. You should be ok with whichever you get.

    Having 4 benqs in all: 2-1620s/1640/and 1650- They are all phenomenal. Booktyping the plus format to dvd-rom is a huge asset for stand alone compatability. They perform better if using quality media at 8x or higher. Low error backups. Rip and burn on the fly.They'll burn anything you throw at them,including crap media.

    One sneaky thing about Benq, some of their drives will have different firmware codes. Take the 1620 for example: G7-V9 in the retail drive which is the rebadges. Their bulk drives of the 1620 are B7V9. Just 1 letter difference,and the way they phrase bulk and retail sounds the opposite of what you'd think.You'd figure bulk would be the rebadges!I'm still trying to figure that one out, LOL

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