Can someone explain to me if there is a difference burning/making a movie to dvdr on the the fly verse burning from hdd to blank dvdr IN THE END RESULT? thks
You will get lots of diffrent opionns on this subject. Some will say never to recored on the fly, where others will say they do it all the time and have no problems. It really depend on the setup of your computer, plus I think it depemds on the buffer size of the CD/DVD drive. If its powerfull enough to keep up and do on the fly. Of course you will run more of a risk making DVD coasters or read errors on the DVD's when you burn on the fly.
The only burn on the fly I do is on Nero. Quality-wise, I see no difference. If you are going to make multiple copies, burn on the fly is not a great option. Burning on the fly, your computer will re-read that same disc to rebuild the image again.
So the proper way is to rip to hdd, then burn to dvdr? (Forgive me here, I am new to this). Since I will delete the file in hdd after burning to save space, what if I need another copy in future? Will I be able to rip the DVDR to hdd and burn to another blank DVDR? If the answer is yes, will it still be as the original DVD? BTW, I have been burning on the fly for almost a year now with VCDs. Does your above answers apply to VCDs as well or only DVDs
Yes you will be able to copy the copy if you got a good burn the first time. When I copy a copy I'll burn on the fly because no analysis and encoding are done when you copy a copy. It's the first backup you make that's important since if you're using say Nero Recode then you'll want to use advanced analysis and slow encoding so you get best possible results. Edit: The new copy will only be as good as the first copy. Never have done VCDs so I would imagine copy on fly is OK CD-rs are a lot easier to do.