Just wondering is their two diff. kinds of MadDog multimedia MegaStor 7-in-1 external 16x DVD±R/RW burner. Take a look at these pictures.
Sorry about that guys, here are the pictures. Now can someone help me tell the difference. Thanks! http://image.compusa.com/prodimages/48/f8d16d45-10ef-420a-b0c6-269293645ca1.gif
Sorry about that guys, here are the pictures. Now can someone help me tell the difference between these two external maddog burners. Thanks!
I can't tell you what the diff is in the two you posted... but what I can tell you is that I bought a Mad Dog 6 in 1 today. I wanted to get a NEC but didn't want to wait for mail order. So I went to MicroCenter looking for one and when they didn't have a NEC, I ended up buying the Mad Dog. I was a bit leery of the unfamilar name. But when I got it installed, I found out it actually IS a NEC. My 6 in 1 reads as NEC ND-2510A I've burned six data dvd's today and it seems to be working well.
I'd still go for the red X on the left. Go to their website and check them out - look the same to me.