whats worse drugs or religion?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by xboxdvl2, Feb 25, 2006.

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  1. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    ive got a question wheres worse drugs or religion???
    here are some points id like to make on this subject
    hundred maybe millions of people were killed on september 11 2001 due to a muslim attack in the name of god(allah)
    how many people have been killed between the english and the irish due to catholics and protistines???
    how many people have been burnt at the stake in the name of god???
    ok you can probably see my point just from them few examples.
    now heres a weird question.why is it legal to preach religion but not legal to sell drugs?????
    if you agree that im right that religion is worse than drugs post your opinion if you thing im wrong and have a good argument to back u up post it.
    i know this is very contraversial but mods please leave this open as i want to hear honest peoples opinions.
  2. macey

    macey Guest

  3. bigt1

    bigt1 Guest

    Religion will warp your mind more than drugs.
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