I am using WinAVI Video Converter, and it says in the begining, before it starts to convert it says "Can't decode this file! may be the file is broken or system not install the decoder! Please download the decoder Divx/Xvid Decoder" but I am having trouble finding this file, anyone know where I can find it? Thanks.
Try here: http://www.free-codecs.com/download/K_Lite_Codec_Pack.htm To save yourself from future codec problems, you may download and install the K-Lite Codec Pack (full or mega version) which contains most, if not all, of the codecs you'll ever need.
This is indeed possible. But try a couple more things first: 1) Try check and correct for errors with e.g. DivFix, but be sure to backup the original movie clip first. 2) Try use VSO DivxToDVD (free version) to encode. Do post again if you still get problems.
I'm also getting the same message. I tried downloading that codec pack but no luck. I know the file I'm using isn't corrupt or anything because I know other people who have succesfully converted it into dvd. If there are any other codecs that are need please do tell.
Try the cole 2k media codecs pack as i can convert anything using winavi including mp4. What version of winavi do u have?
Download the free divx player http://www.divx.com and then select this codec as the video encoder and mpeg layer-3 as the audio encoder to have a try!
i downlaoded the full version of the codec and i didnt have the problem of it saying it was a currupted file try closing all the windows and then open it again im using winavi 7.1 so u shouldnt have a problem with it now
the decoder Divx/Xvid can download from: http://www.divx.com/divx/play/download/ And if you have any question you can email to support@winavi.com. They can help you.
After I went to www.DivX.com/divx/play/download/ and downloaded that codec I no longer experienced the problem.