Where do find best DVD Writer and Cheapest

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by hightower, Nov 3, 2002.

  1. hightower

    hightower Guest

    Hi Where can i find Dvd Rom Writer at wholesale prices and also a good one too, dont want to spend alot of money around £170 if possible any ideas i live in the Uk, tried Ebay and all used trying to find a new one if i can, also i have Xp1600, and Xpwin, not sure if that makes a diff to my choice, Please HELP

  2. endothorn

    endothorn Guest

    one of the best writers around is the pioneer a04/104 (check the forums)

    I can supply you with one of these with 50 blank disks and all the info & software you need 2 back up dvd roms for £200
  3. joe9652

    joe9652 Guest

    I'm in us, how could I contact you to buy
    the drive and instruction from you? Do you
    include instructions to clear off copy protection from movies?

  4. plonk420

    plonk420 Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    the Toshiba SDR-5002 looks to be the cheapest (and is a brand i'd trust)... however i don't know much about it, but i posted an inquiry about it to anyone who's used it just this afternoon...

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