i heard about a guy who gets his vcd movies from a 20th century fox server. i was wondering if anyone knows how to access it? cheers codefreak
Gee Dela, I thought you were cool!! Everyone who's anyone knows the fox server is on irc.hollywood.net - you know, the network with #paramount, and #warnerbrothers, and #waltDisney (for the kiddies). Isn't it great of all those movie companies to host bots so we can get their movies that costed them millions of bucks to make! LOL!!!!! seriously dude, a fox movie server???? dont you watch the news and stuff? I bet all the other studios could bow down and give up and fox still wouldn't, why in the world would they run a movie server?? you prolly heard about a guy that leeched a trailer from kazaa and the story got way overblown by the time you heard it.