Where to buy disc of AnyDVD & DVDclone?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dreaming, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. dreaming

    dreaming Member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    I hate downloading programs bought over the internet. I would rather have a actual disc of the program for several reasons. Does anybody know where I can order a version of AnyDVD and DVDClone to be sent to my home instead of downloading it electronically? Thanks!
  2. gamename

    gamename Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    maybe u could try contacting slysoft and get the info.
  3. rannh651

    rannh651 Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Just some advice, download the program, then put the setup on a disk, then after each and every new download of any dvd, put the set up to disk, anydvd updates way to often, so if you buy a disk threw slysoft, if they even sell it like that, till it gets to you, you will have to download the new updates 3 times by then. also the price of shipping it will rock you if your buying from the u.s.a. download it to your desk top, then burn it to disk, thats the disk you would get if slysoft mails it to ya!
  4. Mr_Pink

    Mr_Pink Regular member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    Why don't you like downloading programs? It's coming from a trusted site so you shouldn't worry.

    Besides, on the website, it explicity states that they do not offer a hard copy version of the programs.
  5. seandesad

    seandesad Guest

    with as many updates anydvd does.. would be too expensive to keep churning out diskies... I just took my keys put it on a thumb drive and also burned them to a cd.. double back up cause they wont be replaced...

  6. dreaming

    dreaming Member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    OH-ok--I didn't see anywhere that they said they didn't offer a hard copy disc--I am getting old though--great, thanks everybody-I'll get it electronically!

    This Forum is awesome!
  7. rdroo

    rdroo Guest

  8. kzm007

    kzm007 Regular member

    Jun 2, 2006
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    Hello- Can I burn my AnyDVD and CloneDVD to CD? After that, how would I update as necessary? What are the 'keys' and why do I need them? Please respond ASAP as I have only 19 days left for both! Thanks, Kegan
  9. Mr_Pink

    Mr_Pink Regular member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    The "key" is what Slysoft emails you. Once you download it, and open it, whatever trial version you have installed on your PC will transform into a "working" version.

    You can then save this key to a disc/CD to make sure you don't lose it.

    If you were implying that you can burn your trial versions of the programs onto a diskette and then install it somewhere else (or something like that), it won't work. Slysoft has gone to great lengths to prevent piracy.

    Just spend the money on the program(s). It's easily the best money I've spent on DVD software.
  10. kzm007

    kzm007 Regular member

    Jun 2, 2006
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    I know it's the best, and I would feel bad copying it, but I don't have $59 to spend at the moment. There are copies on eBay, and the people selling those have both 100% feedback and customers happy with their purchases of the software; wondering if I should go that route.

    Thanks for clearing up the key for me; I had an idea that's what it was, but it's always good to be sure. Cheers, Kegan
  11. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    kzm007, read my respone to that in your other thread

    DONT DO IT!!!
  12. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    KZM007, you are buying someone else's key, the problem which will surface is this, when the same key calls home from multiple locations and multiple machines, Slysoft will deactivate that key and you will be left out in the cold with no program, and no money. The going rate around here is almost $40.00 US to mow an 1/4 acre lot, two lots in about 4 hours will give you both of the programs. With the discount offered to AD people, you'll save $10.00 on both programs combined, which means only $49 for both.
  13. tbiggs

    tbiggs Guest

    another thing to keep in mind is that if you want to see slysoft stick around and keep writing updates then you should pay them for there effort , not some sheet head on ebay !!!

    do you work ? if you do im sure you would like to be paid wouldnt you ?

    this company is very deserving of your money so please go ask grandma for a few extra dollars so slysoft can continue there efforts .

    this company is not some huge inhuman billion dollar company who wants to screw everyone over , they are a hard working honest bunch of folks fighting like hell to keep you and i burning so are investments are protected !!

    so please to those of you who have bought pirted crap from ebay or have dloaded a hacked copy from one of the many p2p sites , stop and rethink your move , as this is one company that is really truly working very hard to please each and everyone of us , if they could do it for free im sure they would .

    buying anydvd is not just another purchase , its a STATEMENT !
    so feel proud about the few dollars your sending , and know without a doubt that your doing your part in securing your basic of freedoms for generations to come .

    i supose ive rambled enough about this , and to anyone i may have offended ,please forgive me as im not trying to insult any of u directly , im just trying to stand up for whats right !

    it takes allot of courage and money to stand up against one of the richest companys in the world ( mpaa) , i dont know about you , but i sure wouldnt want to be looking over my back in fear of some mpaa hired hand to beat the liveing hell out of me , so unless your ready to go up against the mpaa , then please show your gratitution to slysoft buy PAYING them !!

    nuff said !!
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    quote slysoft

    I have purchased a registration at ebay but it does not work.

    Don't buy keys at ebay, buy them on our website. Then they will work.

    Can I have a CD with your software?

    No. That's not necessary. Our software has a size that is easy to download and can be saved wherever you want.

    all clonedvd and anydvd thats being sold at e-bay are crack versions,
    and only that version you buy will work (sometimes}and the programs can not ever be updated.
    also that means 99.9% the version ye buy is outdated.
  15. freedom2

    freedom2 Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    slysoft doesn't sell any of their programs on cd................

    this forum is just one reason they don't.................

    you should be banned for that request..............

    buy the da** program..........................

    good day..............................

    i can't belive, people they want everything for FREE.............

    ****not pointed at one person just general population...........

    good day......................

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2006
  16. Mr_Pink

    Mr_Pink Regular member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    I understand the price is an issue (even though it's not that expensive). But do this: you're getting AnyDVD to backup your DVDs correct? So, when you wanna buy an extra spindle or two for blank media--don't! Use that money for AnyDVD. Then you'll have AnyDVD until the end of time.
  17. cheribery

    cheribery Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    tbiggs, very well said. I don't feel heartbroken when people crack some Microsoft product but when they rip off developers out there trying to make the world an easier place for ordinary folk, that's a different story. I just read this in another topic on AD
    These ppl deserve to get paid.

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2006
  18. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    To quote an older thread where you said you purchased AnyDVD, then you shouldnt have any problems with updates if it's legit

  19. kzm007

    kzm007 Regular member

    Jun 2, 2006
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    Well, that and the fact that by the time I got a disc, it'd be outdated.

    Sir, I really don't want to seem like an @ss, but I have certain extenuating circumstances in my life at the moment that prohibit me from 'buying the da** program'. I know $59 will pay off in the end, but at the moment, I do not have the funds or any immediate means of getting them, being a minor without a Visa card. When my Life slows down and I get those means, I will gladly pay the $59 bucks, but until then, I'm burning like mad!

    And go easy, please? I'm a n00b for God's sake...

    See my paragraph above, I don't expect this for free. I've got maybe $30 cash, no card though...

    I didn't think so.

  20. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    you guys without CC cards can get a gift card Visa/Mastercard at the local mall or where ever for the price of the software use it one time and your done with it and have the software now!!!

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