I accidentally flashed my original SST49LF020 chip with the wrong BIOS now it won't work. Ok. I don't know where to get a pre-flashed cheapmod SST49LF020 chip. I want it to be preflashed with a BIOS so that I can play xbox games and all of the original stuff. Can anyone find links to the stores?
I have done the softmod using AID and it worked quite well for me. I was in somewhat of the same boat as u pogi1100 (my Xenium ICE chip fried). But now that I softmoded I have a perfectly fine softmoded xbox @chunkhead LOL
Thx but as I said, I want a pre-flashed modchip SST49LF020 that can still let me play xbox games. Can someone point me to an online shop that sells these?
Not a hope.. all the sellers of pre-flashed chips have been taken out.. It's getting a bit hard to find legit xecuters now too. Think about it.. It is illegal to supply a hacked bios.. people have been jailed for it. Softmod.. proper modern chip or TSOP flash.. 3 options, or you could source a cheapmod chip and program it yourself (real pikey way, and more expensive than a clearance ice or aladdin)
Ok thx I think I will just flash another/own SST49LF020 chip with a new BIOS... I'll try... But softmodding isn't an option...
I'm sure chunks will agree with this bit of wisdom.. I ALWAYS softmod an xbox before even opening the case to get that eeprom, saves and dash backed up. They go on a dvd-r and are put away with the box serial number against the day something goes horribly wrong.. I have had a couple of machines where adding a new hdd has fried the ide controller.. faulty drive not the board..(though getting a seagate drive replaced under warranty isn't easy) so a quick softmod is always step 1 in my workshop.. then you can do what you want in relative safety. So do you know where to find one of the obsolete 256k bios files for that old cheapmod? do you have a programmer? do you know how to patch the bios to allow playing backups? And what about a dash? You may as well do a TSOP flash as mess with flashing an outdated chip..