im backing up some of my games and movies and wanted know which brand of dvd-r performs best their are some many out there and i know some dont do as well as others. you insight is much needed and utilized. thanks in advance
i use verbatim +r 16x.i havent made a coaster in almost a year. when burning games be sure to write at a low speed, like 4x. most movies i do at 8x. with +r media u can booktype to improve compatability, this will make it play in almost any dvd player.
You have Taiyo -R medias as well which is one of the best out there.Verbatims too are excellent ones.But if you won't burn them on 16x then better buy the medias at smaller rated speed,this will help you saving some cents than to buy those at 16x and never burn them at the same speed. But like gamename just said,why don't you use the +R format,they can be booktyped and gives much better compatibility,it's really a big advantage that you won't get in -R format.I know a lot of people who use the +R format to backup their games and they never get problems,because they booktype the +R format to DVD-ROM. Vincent.
hey guys thanks for the insight i always burn at 2x to make sure everything comes out good. im going to try the Verbatim +r for a change, but one question how do you booktype the format?? thanks
dont get 16x rated blank media to backup games ,get 8x rated .Taiyo Yuden and or Verbatim burned no faster than 4x you can booktype in nero or alot of drives has software to booktype with Plextor BenQ etc. your probably better off sticking with the DVD dash R format if thats working for you
Before you go and buy any +R medias,first check if your drive supports the booktype/bitsetting feature.Which drive are you using actually? Here's a link explaining booktyping and HOW to booktype in details. Vincent.
aabbccdd is right.If my memory is good,he's pretty quite experienced in games backup himself,isn't it aabbccdd? If you're fully satisfied with the -R format,you can stick to it.But in your case you said you got some coasters while using the -R format,if you want some change then you might want to take our posts as tips. Vincent.
thanks for the heads up. the dvd-r works good, but sometimes i get those costers. Not many but they do occur. this is my burn drive Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-107D, can book typing be done with Alcohol 120?
you cant booktype with Pioneer drives without using hacked firmware which is very risky. so your best bet is to stick with the DVD-R media ,Taiyo Yuden and or Verbatim 8x not the 16x and dont burn above 4x