currently im using nero before that i was using clone cd but lately im getting unrecovarable errors while making an image of some dvd backups i is there another software that can help me ignore those unreadable sectors..cause nero has one but it doesnt work for me cause its doing the same thing.....and i already copy those backups to another dvd+r and i was doing it any suggestions guys !!!! thanks for your attention ....
You could try DVDDecrypter, in Settings -> I/O you can set error retries to some high number and hope for the best.
i just backup with dvd shrink then burn the vob files it produces with nero without a hitch every time =] chris
im using nero do you know a program that can just ignore those errors and make the image no matter what !!!! what do you think can happen if i use dvd decrypter and i set it to ignore read errors ? will that affect my backup (glitches,freezing)? and how do i copy a dvd+r from a backup to another dvd+r while using dvd decrypter
Mode/ ISO/ read/click the harddrive/burn icon-to harddrive-remember where those files go on the destination target. Mode/ ISO/ write/locate that movie on your harddrive/find the mds files-not iso/open up the mds files/select burn speed and burn away. On a dvd-5 original,or dvd-5 backup copy-should only take 5 mins to rip to harddrive. It sounds like you are trying to make copies of backup copies. MysticE posted 1 setting to change in the I/O tab. Another setting to change is CSS- Tick Brute force/OK Both those altered settings should help rip problematic dvds-both original and burned discs.Definitely change them both. Now if you are re-ripping backups for extra copy/s,it can be a totally different ballgame. Lots of variables on your original copy-or if someone else made that copy. You'll have: Media quality Burned too close to outer edge Burn speed-too fast/too slow Compression Even burner quality and a dozen other possibilities. On the first backup copy anyone makes,you want all those little errors to a minimum.Quality media,and a decent 4x-8x burn. Too many errors,or in the wrong spots,and you'll get crc errors.That'll definitely show those little glitches during playback. Nero's disc quality scan will show you these little errors.Make sure the dvd-rw drive that burned it,can play it.It should also play it to near original quality. What brand of media are the discs you are trying to rip? What's the brand name and model # of your dvd-rw drive? How fast were these burned? Mid codes of those copies and your copies would be handy as well. Use nero infotool to find those MID codes and post back.Also any info like exactly what you are trying to rip.If original dvds,post the names of them.
im using sony media dvd+r 8x made in burner is a lite-on SOHW-1633S and they were burned at what settings exactly should i change on dvd decrypter cause on the css tab there are 3 settings that mentioned brute force...and what setting should i change on I/O cause theres one that says ignore read errors....thanks for your help...and yes im trying to make copies of backup copies...but like i said before is there a software that can ignore those errors no matter what and make those images ? and finally about burning to close to the outer edge i dont really know how close they were burned...i just know that i commpresed those files by using dvd shrink and on preferences on shrink the target dvd size is dvd-5 4.7 (4.7 GB) or 4464 MB
The brute force-lowest one,just above NONE I've ripped some damaged dvds with that. Not all of them,but a few. Keeping those first copies error free is the goal. Those sony should ID as Yuden000-T02 and are some top notch stuff. If you're getting crc errors on them,then something is wrong. Maybe your burn program? I find nero6 gives me fewer errors. Burner may need a firmware update to help control the writing strategy? Maybe a bad batch of discs? Too slow of burning using this quality media? Your burn target is maxed out at 4464-too high. This is pushing it. This would be an actual 4.38 gbs. Try to reduce that to 4.36 gbs. Open up dvd shrink/edit/preferences/dvd-5 to custom/enter 4360/ok That'll be your new backup target,nice and away from the outer edge.