Which Combo Mobo/CPU is better buy? 2500 or 3000

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by skinny85, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. skinny85

    skinny85 Member

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I currently have a AMD2200+, 512MB Generic DDR PC2100 RAM,80 GB Maxtor 5200Rpm, with a Via chipset Mobo KM266, MSI Geforce4 Ti-4200 64Mb 8xAGP. Although My games run great, I still get a bump in my framerates (split second lag) when playing NeedForSpeedUnderground. Maybe it's my Ram. I dont know. It happens every 30 secs or so.

    Anyway, to get to the point. I'm looking at purchasing one of these two mobo/cpu combos:

    1) XP 2500 Athlon - with PC Chips 848 Board 333MHz w/ cpu Heatsink & Fan. Combo Kit
    -PC CHIPS M848LU 848LU SiS-746/963/963L 266/333MHz FSB 2xDDR USB2.0 5PCI 1 AGP 8X AUD ATA133.


    2)AMD Athlon 3000 - PC CHIPS M825LU V7.2C VIA KM266; 1 4xAGP; 2 PCI; 4 USB2.0; mATX; Vid/Snd/Lan; modem included
    -with cpu - On board Athlon Pro3000A+ Fan

    Both are around 110 bucks. What is my best bet? I'm looking at pure gaming performance and cost. Should I upgrade My video card? More respectable Ram? Go for the Mobo/cpu upgrade, and buy Ram? Should I look for a AMD2700 or 2800? Should I purchase the CPU and Mobo separately?I would greatly appreciate your input. Thank You.
  2. Mufasa33

    Mufasa33 Member

    Feb 19, 2004
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    well id go with either of your cpus they both sound good, but ithink your real problem is your ram. I also had 512 DDR Pc3200 ram wchich is even better and some of my games did the same thing ur computer sounds like its doing, My advice is to go to newegg.com and get 512 of ram so u have 1024. I did this and after my games loaded levels in half the time, and the lag was gone. I hope this helps you.
  3. skinny85

    skinny85 Member

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Thanks a lot. I thought 512 was enough, but I guess not. Ill try that out.
  4. DMW

    DMW Regular member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    Hi, I totally agreee with you guys that an extra 512mb would make the difference you need.
    If you do decide to go for a moptherboard and CPU upgrade, DONT go for the second one.
    The CPU denoted pro3000+ will not be an AMD 3000XP, it will be a 2400+ maximum, this is a limitation of the chipset anyways, but apart from that, PC Chips, Eagletech, ECS and all the others make these boards with lower cpus and give them the PRO moniker. I have an 1800pro system for my second machine, which is a built in Duron 1200!!!!
    If you go for the 848, try and get the 848Alu (the A being the important bit) these boards will support 400mhz fsb cpus and there are reports of 2500 being overclocked to 3200 by setting the fsb to 200 instead of 166. Check ebuyer.co.uk for customer reviews.
    If your on a budget then the 2500 and the 848alu would be a great pair (1gb of ram wouldmake it even better), if you wanna splash out go for a nforce 2-ultra chipset.
    Well thats it just wanted to blab on really, :)
    later guys.
  5. skinny85

    skinny85 Member

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Thanks a lot DMW. Almost wasted some cash. Ill go ahead and pick up that extra 512 Mb Ram Stick and stick with the 2500. I heard too that they can be OC'ed to speeds of 3000, so this seems like a good buy. Thanks again.

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