I was wondering, now that dvd decrypter has no new versions is there a better decrypter out there? I haven't been able to burn any of the new movies like hostel or fun with dick and jane. Anyone have suggestions.
I'll suggest Dvd shrink,but it also hasn't been updated for ages. Still a great ripping and compressing program. There's another program called anydvd by slysoft. Anydvd is a background ripper. It'll help dvd shrink and dvd decrypter rip those newer encryptions-with no extra step. When you see the little red fox icon in your lower system tray,then it's working. Nothing else to do. It's a worthy program. Pulls off dvd / cd encryption and can set a drive to be region free.It's been updated 3 times this week. There's a free 21 day trial for it at slysoft.com. It's said it can even rip problematic discs that have damage? It's the only program that is not free,that I refer. There's also a $5 discount for us AD members. If purchasing,type in Afterdawn for the discount. $35 after the discount,and updates for life! Clonedvd is also another great program,but won't pull off encryption. Anydvd will do that for them as well.It's also made by slysoft and another $5 discount for that package as well. Other free programs that may cut through the newer encryptions: Dvd Fab Decrypter Voblanker
I am currently using dvdshrink, and it works fine on older movies, but the new ones it keeps giving me a dvd navigation error.
That's because of newer structural copy protection schemes. Try DVDFab Decrypter as Saugmon suggest above. See the link in my signature below.
Dvd shrink does some screwy things with those newer encryptions. First it was crc errors,lately-it's been the dreaded navigation errors. All can be fixed by running anydvd in the background.Heck,it just got it's 3rd or 4th update this week. I can't even keep up with all their updates lately. They must sense some newer encryptions coming? Here's what dvd shrink shows me on the last months problematic encryptions,with anydvd disabled: I leave it disabled until I encounter movies that dvd shrink gives me problems with,either during the initial analysis or when reauthoring main movie over and she freezes.Of course,some titles will give a crc error-making it look like the original disc is either dirty or a bad press. A simple: Right click the grayed out fox icon in the lower utility try/click activate anydvd/and start the backup process to a success.
I tried using anydvd but I got the same error. Does it matter that this is only a trial version? Or is there something I am doing wrong. It has all the boxes under feteaured removal checked including the one that is for copy protection based on unreadable sectors.
I use DVD Fab Decrypter for everything and have had no problems, as of yet. I also use DVDShrink to compress all of my burns and it works well with DVD Fab Decrypter. Like I say, I have used it with all the newest decryptions and it it has not been beat, yet. I have seen some threads, with movies the person could not decrypt with DVD Fab Decrypter and I have done the same ones with it. So check it out and good luck... Happy Burning! I spent alot of money to buy new DVD's so it is nice to be able to back them up and I have to say, it's nice to be able to do it with freeware.
As long as that free trial hasn't expired,then it should be good to go. Make sure the little red fox icon in lit up,and in your running utilities tray in the lower/right corner. If so,she's on. If not-she's off.
i backed up hostle Step one: Dvd Fab Decrypter to put movie on HDD Step two: Dvd Fab Express to pull off HDD, then burn!
tripps11 For the last year or so when I boot my computer AnyDVD by Slysoft automatically loads into memory. When I am ready to decrypt a movie to my hard drive I insert the DVD and then launch DVD Decrypter which I use to decrypt the movie. The only advantage of using Decrypter is that it tells me how big the files on the DVD are and lets me monitor the decrypter progress. After the movie is decrypted, I launch DVD Shrink to see if it can see and shrink the movie (occasionally I run into movies that Shrink just can't see and therefor can no shrink. Lastly I launch CloneDVD 2 (also by Slysoft) and burn my movie to either a single layer DVD-R or a Dual Layer DVD+R blank. I only burn my movies to White InkJet Printable 8x or 16X DVD-R's (burning at 4x or 8x depending on the blanks). For my Dual Layer discs, I only use Ritek DVD+R DL 2.4X 8.5GB Dual-Layer / Double Layer White Inkjet Printable Blank DL DVD Media. I also have an Epson R320 Printer that allows me to print the DVD label directly on the DVD after I have burned it. Using the method described above, I have burned disc after disc and almost never end up with a coaster. PS: The 16X DVD-R media that I use are BurnMaster DVD-R 16X High-Speed White Inkjet Hub Printable Blank DVD Media which are about as no name as you can get however; I still have great results. My main DVD burner is a Plextor 755SA (Serial ATA). Eric
I used a free trial of Magic DVD Copier a while back to backup The Ring 2 and The Descent and they copied and compressed fine but im not sure if there was copy protection on them. From what ive read its not recommended much here on AD so im not sure how good it actually is.
I used DVDFab Decrypter last night to decrypt "Fun With Dick and Jane" with no problems. First time I had to use something other than DVDShrink and DVDDecrypter. Most of the time I still use DVDShrink which works fine on most movies.
I would suggest spending the money on anydvd. DVDfab decrypter can do alot of movies, but it is hit and miss on taking out encryption types. It has yet to fail with anydvd running in the background though. As encryption get tighter, the free programs are going to be able to do less and less by themselves.
my experience is that dvdfab decrypter (free) DOES work for any new movies. it is being updated regularly. in combination with vobblanker (used prior to shrink), there hasn't been anything so far that couldn't be backed up. the newer ripit4me (free) also can handle any current encryptions. that said, if you do want to pay for a decrypter, anydvd is great.