Which DVD Burner?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by zak, Nov 1, 2002.

  1. zak

    zak Guest

    With the arriving new nec dvd burner (NEC ND-1000) that's pretty cheap (£163 ish inc VAT) and the sony one (Sony DRU-500A?) that can do both formats or whatever... for me (who hasn't really entered the wonderful world of burning dvd's at home) what would u recommend?
    The nec, the sony? or wait for it all to get cheaper and faster?
    thanx peeps...

  2. ecubilla

    ecubilla Guest

    Go for the Sony DRU500A. It supports all the formats for now, except DVD-RAM, but who cares.
  3. Biosgain

    Biosgain Guest

    pioneer 104 or the new 105.
  4. Reginald

    Reginald Guest

    Here in Canada, the Pioneer A04 (aka the 105?) is about $140 cheaper than the new sony dual mode burner.

    Why is the A04 so popular? Is there much difference between it and the older 104?

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