i have a xecuter 3 chip and have down loaded the 3294 bios from xbins but it has so my file in it when i unrar it i dont know which one to burn i have a version 1.4 xbox
Just use the x3 3294.bin . The x3 3294 v16plus is for the 1.6 xbox. Once you get it flashed, read the readme file for the skins. Remember if your set up to ftp you can flash it without a disk. The x3 control panel will list the ip address, just use flash fxp type in the ip address, username x3 password x3. Then just make a bios directory on the xbox c: drive, then go into the x3 control panel and follow the flash from hdd instructions.
i have flashed it with a cd the bar went yellow then green then the box turned its self off when i turn it back on the eject button flashes green and orange and the x switch flashes red and blue and it turns off it does this three times but on the thrid time the x switch stays blue and the eject button flashes red and green the tv is blank all a long the hdd light works but the lan light never flashes please help
Make sure you switches are set to on on off off off That's the first 1MB bank. Maybe you should try network flashing. If you have a router yuo can just type in the IP the xbox gives you in your browser, than flash from there.
Press both the power and eject buttons at the same time to get into your backup memory on the X3. Burn files again and look at the tutorial from Xecuter...you dont put the files in a Fatx file format, just burn them to disk like normal with a dummy file. Ref: http://www.teamxecuter.com/flashbios/cd.htm