Say I burn a DVD to a DVD+R and then to a DVD-R, which one will hold the memory forever? Because 2 years from now, when I want to watch my DVD(movie), I dont want to be dissapointed when the DVD+R or DVD-R doesnt play my movie.
There isn't any difference I'm aware of between +R and -R media with respect to longevity. The most important thing is to ensure a quality burn as follows. Don't burn to the edge of the disk. Set the target size in your authoring application, e.g., DVD Shrink, to 4300MB or 4.3GB. Manufacturing defects are more likely at the outer edges. Use quality media such as Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim, and Made in Japan labeled Fuji and Sony disks. Don't burn at too high a speed. A good rule of thumb is to not burn at more than 1/2 the rated speed of the media. Some never burn above 4x. You need to learn the best burning speed for your burner with the media you use. Programs like Nero Info Tool and DVDInfoPro can read a burned disk and provide measure of the burn quality. Be sure your burner's firmware is up to date. Store your disks out of the sunlight. I've read they should be stored vertically rather than horizontally. Whether that's true or not, I don't know. I've read that disks should last decades but I'm not sure I believe that since the torture and wear tests simply simulate use and storage over a long time.
Thanks for the help, but I have one more question. If i want to store information(movie) on a disc for about 10 years which would help me acheive that the best, DVD+R or DVD+RW?
and here is a very interesting read about longevity and other things about DVDs: scroll down to DVD Longevity & Storage