Hi, I need this answer fast because in a little while I will be leaving and want to know which DVD - R to buy. Which is the best DVD brand available? Guaranteed or almost close to guaranteed to work on all DVD players. Again I have a Sharp DV - 750 DVD player so I need DVD - R's that are full playback compatible with my DVD player! I currently use Grade A DVD - R's, don't know which brand!! On my DVD player, it works fine till a part comes and it starts to freeze and play until the end of the movie! So can anyone recommend anythign? Regards, DiRect
Ritek G-04 "branded" or Verbatim I have only had one "bad" disc out of almost 200. Stay away from Memorex. Sorry so late hope I was in time to help.
Hi, Unfortunatley I was not able to buy any today! Ritek I think is not available in Canada. I will have to try Verbatim. Also, I think I have to change my DVD player because it's very old. Well, I'll try Verbatim and see if I have the same problem. Thanks for the help ! Regards, DiRect