was just wondering which would be faster loading up one of my pc games. i was thinking as ive got a 8gb usb 2.0 pen drive, that if i installed a game onto it then it would run faster as theres no moving parts inside than the regular hard drive that spins. is this true? cheers
The memory in USB sticks is low speed, typically up to 20MB/s max. Additionally USB itself is limited to 30MB/s no matter what you plug into it. Internal hard drives typically manage between 50 and 75MB/s for normal 7200rpm drives, up to 110MB/s for 10,000rpm drives. 120MB/s + for Solid State Drives. The no moving parts rule does apply, your PC's RAM manages several thousand MB/s, however, it's all about the type of RAM. USB sticks just aren't fast.
ta for response Sam. i never thought of the memory speed itself tbh, just took into consideration the moving parts etc. anyway thanks