my choices are between m3 real, acekard 2i, or the supercard. Which one is the best out of these, or if there is another not listed that blows the rest away let me know. Price is not an issue, im not looking for the cheapest, just THE best
There is no 'best' flashcart. Some are better than others, for example the R4 is falling out of favor because the original team has abandoned it and all the R4's being sold today are cheap copycats. I can tell you though that the 2 most popular flashcarts are probably the M3Real, the CycloDS. They both have just about all the features you can get, and both are solid, reliable cards.
i was just about to buy the CycloDs, i heard its the best, do you prefer that or the M3 Real? And also will a sandisk 2gb card work as good as other such as kingston or is there a big difference?
CycloDS does one thing that the other flashcarts that you have listed will not do, and that is communicate with a Wii. If that is not important to you, then any of the other cards listed should be suitable. I own an EZ V, R4, and G6 Real.
i like the ezflash V plus and i dont know why more ppl dont suggest getting one of them i mean i see all these posts on afterdawn saying how the r4 will not read there mem card or there m3 will not play some games well i have had my ezflash v from when it came out and i just got a ezflash v plus 3 days ago so i could use sdhc cards and i have yet to find a game that my ezflash will not play nes,saga,snes,gbc,gb,gba and nds all work with out a problem
@wlkofdoom i agree with you, i used to have ezflash v and find it very good. now i mainly use supercard ds1 cos it have real time save feature. i dont know why people keep buying r4 or m3 or even dstt, theres so many problem threads with it. guess they are cheaper by a few dollars but you get what you pay for...
i sell them all well just started to any way and i can tell you on most sites they are cheaper by only a few dollars but to tell you the truth the ezflash is like um 3x more money for me to buy then a r4 or m3 but i still try to push the ezflash more then then the others even thow i will me making less money on them
I'm new so I apologize if the question seems simple I think we'd like to go with the ez one.. so I would buy that and a 2gb card?? I'm not sure what name card to get or how many games fit on a 2gb?
if you must buy a ezflash V+ then buy the newer version ezflash Vi the Vi version can be use on all version of the DS including the New DSi
@wlkofdoom No advertising that you have an online store in the forums. Don't be a cheapie - check how to correctly advertise w/ aD - link
Thanks! I'm waiting to hear from wolf when he gets back I can't wait to order the ezflash, I just dont want to order from any website as I dont know their reputation!
complete newbie to this got a ds the other day and just wondering could some one tell me how i can download games onto my ds a simple guide is neccesary as not to up to date on all the computer lingo thankin you in advance
If you are buying and using the M3 Real with additional Slot 2 Paks for GBA/Rumble, then buy the M3 Real because it support for those kinds of things is superb. If you are not going to buy any additional paks and just wanna play NDS roms then I suggest the Acekard 2i. Its features are phenomenal as is its OS. The biggest advantage? If you plan to buy the new DSi coming out next year(if you don't live in Japan) it will work just as well with no hassels, just swap the Acekard 2i from your DS to your DSi.
I too just ordered the acekard 2. I am a newbie and only want to play ds roms, the actual games that are in the store so that seemed like a good choice. I doubt I'll get the dsi anytime soon, I just got the DS lite for xmas