Ok, so here's my laptop specs: AMD Turion 64 X2 1.61 GHz Processor 2GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce Go 7200 Video Card I use my computer to: Listen to music Manage my iPod Manage my websites Video games What Linux would be for me? I was looking into Xandros, but how good is that? Maybe something with a Windows-based format? Any suggestions highly appreciated. P.S. I am looking to dual boot XP Home and the Linux I install.
Oh man, this question is broad. Linux has so many distro's its crazy. If you are new to Linux, then i recommend Ubuntu. It is easy yo use and very good to learn on. As a matter of fact it is becoming so popular, Dell is starting to give it as an option OS when buying a computer. Cool Huh? This is my recommendation. if you google search ubuntu, their main page will come up first thing. They have a great community support and have answers to almost all questions. Hey good luck!!! Later, The Unknown
oh yeah I forgot, http://www.ubuntu.com is the main web page and where you can download the latest version. If you have Kids and want to protect them from the internet get a program called dans guardian. you can block all the bad sites and protect your loved ones. Also read up on Virtual PC, this option allows you to run a operating system within another. How cool is that. also for Linux, check out a program called "Wine"this is a new proggy (meaning it is prolly buggy and does not always work right) it allows you to run some windows programs in Linux... Good Luck The Unknown.
if you do do a dual boot, install linux on another hdd, it'll save you alot of hassle...believe me for music and ipod (through plug ins) support, i suggest: for kde = amarok (a no brainer) for gnome = exaile! also look into songbird, but be warned its in its beta stages
Thanks for the replies. I will most likely go with Ubuntu, cause I've heard so many good things about it. Is Xandros any good?
I've been running linux/unix for years and never met anybody using xandros.. I think that says it all.
I would like to see a "hardware" distro search tool of some sort... to see what distro's best supported your hardware. That would be great!
@ Skitzy.. I assume that's why all the distros have FAQ's, wikis and forums attached to the homepages. As long as your hardware is pretty standard, and not too old or cutting edge/obscure linux support is generally better than windows.
right.. I know you can check each individually.. just wish there was something like a wiki for my laptop that stated all the supported distro's.. that would be great.. kinda like a "speed dial' for distro sampling..
sry my bad.. friend when on my acc.. it all depends on what u whana do suSE is like windows vista(i use it) ubuntu and kubuntu is for new users to linux