i have a evga 780i motherboard. q6600 2.4 cpu. 750 watt power supply 8800gt. vista 64 operating system. i need to upgrade my memory. i have two options. i can get the ocz 4096 2gb x 2 pc6400 or the ocz 2048 1gb x 2 pc8500. there both the same price. which one would u all recommend? here are the links. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3404049&Sku=O261-8038 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2701646&CatId=2531
This depends what you use your PC for. Extreme overclocking -> PC8500. If you play very demanding top end games, 4GB. Since you can still overclock on PC6400 anyway, 4Gigs is what I'd go with, but not that many games use it, so it's a toss up.
define extreme overclocking? i have my system overclocked to 3.0 with the 667 memory. 1:1 ratio. i play cysis call of duty 4 supreme commander forged alliance need for speed prostreet. i also convert videos and looking into 3d rendering.
If you've made it that far with PC667, then PC800 will be fine. Go with the 4GB, especially if you're playing Crysis and Forged Alliance. Those are two of very few games that have seen me use more than 2GB.
sounds great. thanks youve been very helpful these past couple of months. i know whom to come with with questions and expect great answers.