I'm thinking about getting one of these so i wanna kno whad u guys think which one is best, to use for ps2 backup? thnx. p.s i can only buy from this site. http://www.shop4tech.com/user.htm?go=view_item&id=4594&cata=3&s_cata=28 http://www.shop4tech.com/user.htm?go=view_item&id=4593&cata=3&s_cata=28 http://www.shop4tech.com/user.htm?go=view_item&id=4595&cata=3&s_cata=28
1: Black 2: Beige 3: Silver All the same NEC 3550,but different bezel colors and prices. Bare drive only. Black's the cheapest of all 3 of them.
I'm not racist, LOL. Whatever's the cheapest will do. My drives are hidden by a shroud with flip down covers. It doesn't matter to me.