Which one to pick?

Discussion in 'Audio' started by JesusC, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. JesusC

    JesusC Guest

    Hi im planning on getting a Sennheiser HD-555 but was wondering if i should spend the extra 100 something dollars for a 595 instead? I'm not qute sure of the difference, or can someone point me in the direction of a review comparing the two. I have only found reviews for them seperatly. Thanks
  2. dvdsndict

    dvdsndict Regular member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    I'll write my own review.
    Well, based on specs, there isn't much difference aside from the 595's extra 10,500 Hz on the top end of its frequency response range (but let's put it into perspective: the 555 has a top-end frequency response of 28kHz, but even the highest treble sounds are in around the 20kHz range); and when it comes to the bulletpoints of both pairs, I see no major differences. In my opinion, it's really a case of marginal return. I think you could buy the 555's and not miss a thing.
    Cheers mate.
  3. Digidave

    Digidave Regular member

    Jul 11, 2004
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    I'd say, you have to really have to try them out & compare hearing them side by side. It really depends on your style of music & how old & worn your ears are(No offense). Personally, I'd spend the extra because of 2 things,THD & Frequency Range. The extra low end you get with the 595's I believe will make the biggest difference. This is just my opinion & I'm no expert, but when it comes to sound quality, it usually comes down to 1 thing. Spend a little more & your ears will thank you for it. Sennheiser is an excellent choice by the way!!
  4. JesusC

    JesusC Guest

    Thanks for the replies, i will mostly be using the headphones for watching dvd movies on my laptop wiht a creative 2 zs soundcard, dunno if this will help in the decsion making?
  5. dvdsndict

    dvdsndict Regular member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    For the extra $100, your ears probably won't hear a difference. The 595's only have an extra 3 Hz on the low end of their frequency response. And as for total harmonic distortion (THD) its a tenth of a percent more. If you want to spend the money, it won't hurt you. But $100 could be put to much more enjoyable uses.

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