ok well a ton of quantization matrixes i downloaded in this zip file. Now i need to know which is the best to use when doing dvd to xvid backups....for 1 cd and for 2 cd rips. I have heard didee's six of nine and HVS higher are pretty good ones...but for 1 or 2 cd rips? Basically I just need to know which ones to use for 1 cd rips and which ones to use for 2 cd rips? thx
Not quite that simple. Depends on the resolutions, bitrates used, content (anime vs. live action), etc. Sharktooth's (Ebola) EQM series are worth checking out as are Jawor's. Then there is still a lot to be said about H263 and MPEG. A lot also depends on your personal prefences. One matrix might for instance cause more macroblocks, as well as detail. Another might block less but preserve less detail.