I have been told to buy Ritek DVD+/-R by people around this forum, but which one should I buy? There are so many of them: Ritek DVD-R 4.7G 4X 50PACK, Model DRD-47-4X-RDSM, OEM Model#: DRD-47-4X-RDSM Item#: N82E16817132315 Cost: $42.99 Ritek 8X DVD+R 4.7G Single Sided Write Once Media 50pk, Model DRD+47-8X-RDSM, OEM Model#: DRD+47-8X-RDSM 50pk Item#: N82E16817132301 Cost: $37.99 Ritek DVD+R 4.7G 2.4X Single Sided Write Once Media 50pk, Model DRD+47-RD-SM, OEM Model#: DRD+47-RD-SM Item#: N82E16817132308 Cost: $27.99 I prefer -R DVDs since my DVDROM only reads -R. I can live with +Rs since my DVD-RW writes both. But which one should I choose? Why the price is so much different? Why the -Rs are so much more expensive?
You have posted in the wrong section - try DVD-R media. Virtually all genuine Ritek discs today are excellent value for money.
You want the G-04 Ritek "branded" discs. All Ritek discs are NOT created equal. Ritek makes a lot of discs and not all of them are suitable for DVD backups.
Ritek is one of the largest makers of discs. They makes discs for other companies which are then branded for that company. Which exactly - Someone on the AD at one time had Memorex that were made by Ritek. There were a couple of others I can't remember. I remember the Memorex because I was burned by them with their crappy discs once (I try to learn the first time) they are known around here for being made by anyone on the planet. Stick to the "Branded" Ritek and it seems that you can't go wrong.
If you use DVD Info tool you can determine who the manufacturer is since it is digitally imprinted into the disc. I don't think you will find that Memorex discs were infact Ritek.
Not always, thats the point with Memorex, you never know what you are getting. In the case I was talking about they were indeed Riteks (albeit cheap ones) branded as Memorex and they used DVDinfotool to find out. Thats a great program btw. Unfortunatly you can't check who made them before you buy htem and get them home. With the Ritek "branded" you kknow what you have.
If you don't get branded Riteks you need to make sure they're grade A. The reason you'll occasionally find a Memorex that was made by Ritek is that they're B, or in Memorex's case more likely C grade media. So yes there can be a difference, but if they're all grade A there shouldn't be. If they're not branded, and they don't say what grade they are, I'd assume they're not grade A or else they'd be bragging about it. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue DVD Rebuilder Guides: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial.cfm http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial_advanced.cfm[/small]
Hi, I've used two varieties of RiDATA with great results - the red shrink wrapped ones and those in a cake box with the purple label If you provide links to the ones you're interested in we can give you the skinny on them _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium My Movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim Got Indie? http://cdbaby.com/[/small]
I did a quick search on the details you posted for those discs and they all appear to be branded Riteks (RiData) so they all should be grade A discs. Beyond that it's a matter of personal preference (and write speed in the case of the +Rs on your list). I'm personally in the middle of a spindle of these RiData -Rs: http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=17-132-341&depa=0 I haven't had a problem with them yet. @Nephilim Judging from the model and item numbers I think he's looking at the Newegg blanks: http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproductdesc.asp?description=17-132-315&DEPA=0 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=17-132-301&depa=0 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=17-132-308&depa=0 _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue DVD Rebuilder Guides: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial.cfm http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial_advanced.cfm[/small]
I am thru like 30 of these since I started burning and they are NO PROBLEM! I have also heard that dvd-r format is more compatable with DVD players, and these work fine with both of them in the house. And I should say that the newegg price on that 50pk is a great deal, like everything else from there.
There are a couple of differences. The 2 +Rs are rated for different speeds, meaning differnt dyes. The cheaper +Rs are only 2.4x so they're pretty cheap. The -Rs you listed are somewhat of a strange case. I noticed them when I bought my last spindle and couldn't figure it out either. I suspect it's just a case of being ones they've had for a while that they paid more money for, but that's just a guess.
So, in sum, as long as it's branded Ritek, it's fine then? I have already bought the more expensive one as I do not want to suffer.