i am sorry if this has been posted before butwhere in the UK can you buy a pre-softmodded xbox, i have serched the net but i can't find any shops that sell any. thanks
Well, considering that it is against the law to sale modded software, I doubt if you will find it at any shop. Try ebay.
i have tried ebay but you see people on the net selling illegal modchps and prechipped xboxes so there should be at least one shop
i have looked on your site and see the page on softmoded xboxes. I am a bit confused are you selling softmoded xboxes for £70.Also how many have you sold so far
if you would like more information e-mail me or add me on msn messenger jmanbig14@hotmail.com im always online
i can asure you it will be and just to let u know that the price dose not inclued the postage and packin where abouts are you