Hi, I was wondering what SOLDERLESS modchip should i buy? also where is the cheapest most reliable place to get one. I have looked at the Xenium SP.ICE and the Xecuter 3[solderless] and they are allsome. do i have to program its bios or any special stuff like that Thanks,
hey, don't get solderless chip, get Xecuter 3CE chip. All you have to do is solder about 10 points. Solderless at times connections are not well connected, where as if you solder, then the chip will connect well to the motherboard. cheers
I agree with modster, however if you're stuck on solderless I'd go with SmartXX LT OPX solderless, and if you wait a bit SmartXX is coming out with a new chip!! Check out there site.