I just got a new HD tv and I have Apex and Cyberhome DVD players now that play all of my backups. I want to be able to watch all of those and take advantage of the upscaling ability to HD quality. I have a hdmi port and componets. Can you use the componets for this or do I need to use the hdmi? I don't know alot about this so any info or suggestions that you have would be greatly appriciated.
Have you seen the new Oppo-the 891? It looks cool-but at 225 bucks and only having an hdmi connection (no componet) it is of limited value. I just got another refurbished LGDVB418 off of ebay for 40 bucks-it has Farjouda processing-it can be hacked to upscale through componet-it can play xvid/divx-what more could I want-nothing!
zrbd , thats the Oppo DV-981HD DVD Player . check with Oppo but i am pretty sure it has component outputs BUT you can't upconvert with the component output except on the OPPO DV-970HD player which is 149.00