i use my pc for games, listening to music, watching films, & the internet. i have windows xp home edition with service pack 2, 2002 edition. i was thinking of getting xp pro or xp media centre. would this be a wise decision? what xp is the best for gaming? any help, advice or suggestions are welcome & appreciated.. thanks
Pesonally, I like MCE. The Media Center is good for easy video and photo viewing, but I never use it. Stand alone players and viewers work better for me. They all three the same for gaming, never had trouble with either of 'em. Plus, MCE comes with a few extras like: extra sounds, backgrounds, screensavers, a few extra editing programs, ect. Nothing too exciting. Which Windows isn't exciting anyway.
XP Pro for me. I've found it to be more stable. Plus, if you'll be using third-party products (and you should, if only for security reasons, let alone functionality) then that would eliminate almost all of the advantages of MCE. You can do everything in Pro (or Home) that you can do in MCE, maybe more.
thats a quote directly from microsofts homepage, you want MCE, your gonna have to buy the hardware first. personally i run xp pro, but if i hade xp home, i wouldnt be inclinded to update to pro, because i dont think there are any benefits to gain, especially if your only using the computer for general purposes.