I am going to "Best Buy" tommorow & need help on which videocard I should buy. My budget is $350 I need something thats like 1 model under the top of the line so that it will be cheaper. Intrested in AGP 8X with 256 card memory. It would have to be for heavy gaming & excelent graphics for dirt cheap ... (can I get that on a crt monitor)? If a bunch of u could reply with your own opioions, that would be great thanks Heres the page I'm lookin at ... http://www.bestbuy.ca/catalog/subcl...0004,20005,20006,-3&selecteddept=20001&page=0
That card is a PCI card, did you not want an AGP card? PCI & PCI-Express are different card interfaces. I would suggest a 6800 AGP card. (If we take PCI as the "norm", AGP can transfer the info either 4x or 8x faster. PCI-Express can do it @16x Nvidia has far superior driver support. IMO. Pulsar
Being an NVidia fan, I would get the 6800GT 16X PCI.......not sure if you have PCI Express on your Motheboard?? Since your budget is $350, the ATI X800xl is a 16 pipe card that competes with the 6800GT. BestBuy has the X800 for $250(Possibly $220 with a Circuit City price match + $30 rebate)that's a heck of a good price.
Hey all thx 4 replying ... I don't have pci express on mtrbrd just agp 8 x the page i posted has about 15 videocards (u can scroll page 1-10) but i dont know which i should get
best buy doesnt seem to have a very good selection of video cards .http://www.bestbuy.ca/catalog/subclass.asp?catid=20397&mfr=&search=&logon=&langid=EN&sort=2&page=0&list= i think sites like newegg and others have a better selection of cards . i would look else where for a card as there isnt much to choose from for high end cards at best buy .
I'm in canada, I believe newegg is an american site hence the duty alone on a $250 card would be $80 plus shipping lol Do u know if they have an office in canada or anything?
you could try www.tigerdirect.ca there Canadian and they have really good deals and prices. Shipping isn't much either.
Your $350 budget will allow you to get this http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1180111&CatId=0 which is about the best mid range card about or you get a few more $$ together and go for this http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1009365&CatId=0 which would be so much better, and CRT monitors are better for gaming on says he with a 20.1" ws lcd .....is it me or does everyone have to side scroll to read this thread ?
well thanks to all who replied, I got the ATI Radeon x800xl today let me know what u all think peace!