Which would be the better camera, a Sony DCR-HC90 or a Sony DCR-DVD201 ?

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by PARR, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. PARR

    PARR Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Both priced the same, £550.

    It's not personally for me but for my little brother. The main thing I worry about is the simplicity to get the movie to PC, he isnt particulary PC savvy and at first thought that the DVD recorders would be best but after some research they seem to be just as hard to get onto the PC as a MiniDV only with less quality.

    The HC90 is attracting me at the moment as the tapes are cheaper, has firewire, a better still camera, a better night mode, and I like the overall look of it much more.

    I know these two cameras arnt top of the line but he wont be using it for anything in particular, will mostly be for stuff like trips and messing about.

    Any comments and recomendations are welcome. :)

  2. scf_au

    scf_au Regular member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    I have a Sony DVD201E. It's exactly because of 'simplicity' concern that I chose to buy the product.

    The thing is minidvds work essentially like regular dvds, only they're smaller. So I can just insert them onto the pc or dvd player for viewing without having to hook up anything.

    I use rewritable discs for recording, and would transfer the movies to regular dvds for storage in easy steps.


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