I think that ps2 has a better library only because they playstation has been out much longer than xbox
Well if you look at the specs, the Xbox kills, but thats only because it came out after the PS2...Halo rapes any game!
that is does. and for that is should be tried, convected and hopefully sentance to death. personally i like the PS2 library better, has a little more diverse in my opinion. xbox hype spends to much time focusing on FPS titles. (in my opinion anyway)
It doesnt matter how many games are on each system. It matters how many games you like and want to play on each system. XBox focuses on FPS and online play while PS2 focuses on 1 player adventure, action and rpg games. I like Halo and Ninja Gaiden so i play xbox but i when i wanna play an rpg i know to look else where.
Honestly i think the Ps2 games a slightly better than the XboX selection, i had a xbox the same time i had a Ps2 and i ended up trading it in as there were just not many good games, i mean apart from Halo 1/2 & Ninja Gaiden what else is there, nothing.
your forgetting burnout 3,thug2 and soul calibre 2,sudeki,midnight club 2 and 3,snk vs capcom(ps2 version lags in response).need for speed underground 2,Nba streets,
Im a xbox person but i'll admit ps2 has a lot more games but the games that ps2 and xbox have work better on xbox anyways
@xboxdevil almost all of the games you just mentioned are not exclusive to the xbox i was not talking about what console runs games better but the selection that's out there for each console.
PS2 Has a vaster range of games, mostly good Xbox Has a smaller range of games, but mostly good also. So if you are looking to play a vast amount of games, PS2 is for you. If you aren't that bothered about having 20+games, then its just what you prefer.
I like them both and it is hard to pick which one.They both have a good selection of games,and Halo isn't the only one that kicked arse but it a good game(Doom3 was pretty good,Ninja Gaiden was awesome also,Fable and Jade Empire are nice games also).I think I am more into PS2,because they have a wider selection.Xbox is a good system also and is not that far from the PS2 I think in there game selection.I think if you get either one of these systems you can't go wrong though.
ive never had an xbox so i couldnt comment on it.but its obvious that ps2 has more games.but the quality of the games is more important than the quantity.so you would have to play both to be the judge of that.what i do notice is ps2 has more blood and gore games,which is what i like.notice the gta series starts with ps2 then xbox usually gets it after its been on ps2 for a few months.just not enough controversial games on the xbox.as if xbox hasnt got the balls to put them out unless ps2 does it first.
True I feel the same way,if we are talking about graphics then Xbox got the PS2 beat.The games PS2 puts out though are pretty good GTA is awesome glad they both have that.I can say some games on the Xbox that PS2 doesn't have,but I think it evens out with both systems except PS2 just has a wider variety.
Give me quality over quantity any day, what is quality is up to the individual. Right & wrong doesn't really come into it.
i choose ps2 over xbox... lots of game.. the more come out the cheaper the other ones get... online is free! and socom! enough said
ps2 online is free?i never knew that.but then again i dont have a network adapter so i never looked into that.does xbox have shadow of rome?one of my favorites.i know a sequel has to be coming out soon.and does xbox have metal gear? i think MG is better than splinter cell.
Doggy_Bot... everyone is entitled to their opinion and i just wanted to give you mine and the opinion that is shared by the majority of gamers evidently. Halo2 is a great game but it does not rape all games. Metal GS3 and GTA SA, that at the time was an exclusive only on avaliable on the PS2 are great games too. As a matter of fact the much hyped Halo2 lost to GTA SA in the official game awards show on Spike tv that let me, you and the rest of the world votes be heard. GTA won the award of best game on all platform systems. Not Halo 2. GTA SA is a better game than Halo 2 anyday. Love the GTA on psp as well.
Ixhotboy - be careful here. I seem to remember you flaming before on this exact same subject. From what i have read in previous posts, you seem to be an out and out playstation fanboy - which is fine - just don't get to heated! I prefer psx games to those of ps2 & xbox. They may not shape up now graphicswise, but back then i can imagine having a lot more fun than i do now playing ps2/xbox games! oh, the classics! Pandemoium Tomb Raider II Syphon Filter Fifa RTWC'98 ..you catch my drift!
You guys arent seriously argueing over a subject that is strictly oppionated... If so I feel srry for you wastin your time.